About IPEM Law Academy

IPEM LAW ACADEMY under the aegis of IQAC (NAAC Accredited and affiliated to Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut) is organizing National Legal Essay Competition on 16th-17th November, 2021. We cordially invite you to participate in the above event.

LAW is the subject where words matter. Fundamentally, essays are written arguments. It's your opportunity to give, and defend, your opinion on the theme. Aiming at the same, the objective of this competition is to give exposure to the students pursuing B.A.LL.B/LL.B program to showcase their outlook on the below mentioned theme.
Analysis of laws relating to Capital Punishment: National and International Regime

Attractive Cash Prizes will be given to the Winners of the Competition, also every registered participant will be given an E-Certificate of Participation.

Disclaimer: Registration will be considered complete only after the payment of participation fee : Rs. 100/-

Important Link

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